Paper WeC18.5 Gu, Guoxiang (Louisiana State Univ.), Pachter, Meir (AFIT/ENG), Chandler, Phillip R. (USAF), Schumacher, Corey (Air Force Research Laboratory) Target Motion Analysis Based on RF Power and Doppler Measurements Abstract This paper investigates target motion analysis (TMA) based on noisy measurements of power and Doppler from a radio frequency (RF) emitter. The research is motivated by the fact that Doppler measurements for RF signals are much easier to obtain and power measurements are always available. More importantly power and Doppler measurements complement each other in terms of the Fisher information content. However both these measurements are highly nonlinear functions of the TMA parameters, specified uniquely by its initial position and velocity. In addition direct use of these measurements in TMA introduces the nuisance parameters leading to poor numerical conditioning because of the very high source frequency, and very small power proportional constant for RF signals. Hence ratios of the neighboring measurements are used to eliminate the nuisance parameters and provide normalization of the measurement equations. An iterative least-squares (LS) algorithm is developed, and is shown to be effective through a numerical example. ============================================================================ Paper ThB15.3 Mazenc, Frederic (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis,), Malisoff, Michael (Louisiana State University), Bernard, Olivier (Inria) Lyapunov Functions and Robustness Analysis under Matrosov Conditions with an Application to Biological Systems Abstract We construct strict Lyapunov functions for broad classes of nonlinear systems satisfying Matrosov type conditions. Our new constructions are simpler than the designs available in the literature. We illustrate our designs using a model for an experimental anaerobic digester used to treat wastewater. ========================================================================= Paper ThB15.5 Malisoff, Michael (Louisiana State University), Mazenc, Frederic (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis,), de Queiroz, Marcio (Louisiana State University) Remarks on Tracking and Robustness Analysis for MEM Relays Abstract We announce a new class of tracking controllers, applicable to both electrostatic and electromagnetic microelectromechanical (MEM) relays, that yield arbitrarily fast local exponential convergence of the tracking error to zero and uniform global asymptotic stability of the error dynamics. Our stability analysis is based on an explicit, strict, global Lyapunov function construction. Our Lyapunov approach also leads to an input-to-state stability based quantification of the effects of parametric uncertainty on the tracking performance. The MEM dynamics contain a quadratic nonlinearity that leads to constraints on the class of reference trajectories that can be tracked. We illustrate how to craft a reference trajectory that is compatible with these constraints and with a typical opening and closing relay operation. Our simulation indicates the good tracking performance of our controllers.