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  Scott Baldridge's
Course Information for Fall 2006 

  • Math 3001 Mathematics Tutoring Experience

    Prereq: MATH 1552, EDCI 2001 and concurrent enrollment in EDCI 3001. This course provides a carefully supported, monitored, and evaluated mathematics tutoring experience in a local middle or high school under the guidance of a mathematics faculty member and a mentoring mathematics teacher in the local school.
  • Math 3002 Mathematics Classroom Presentations

    Prereq: MATH 3001, EDCI 3001 and concurrent enrollment in EDCI 3002. Under the supervision of a mathematics faculty member and a mentoring mathematics teacher in a local school, students will prepare and deliver middle and/or high school mathematics lessons that incorporate appropriate use of technology.
  • Math 7590  Riemannian and Symplectic Geometry

    Prereq: MATH 7510. This course is an introduction to Riemannian geometry: manifolds, metrics, Levi-Civita connections, and curvature. Riemannian geometry is key to understanding Einstein′s general relativity and plays an important role in gauge theory and invariants of smooth 4-manifolds. We will use this technology to introduce and investigate symplectic geometry, another important topic in mathematics that also comes from physics.


Scott J. Baldridge
224 Lockett Hall
Department of Mathematics
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803