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Departmental Research Groups

The Department of Mathematics has many diverse research groups, and their research projects are a vital component of the Department's doctoral program. You can access recent research preprints and abstracts by Department of Mathematics faculty members at Mathematics Preprint Service. In the lists below, Click on the faculty member's name to obtain a photograph, email link and/or home-page. The photograph shows (l. to r.) Nicholson Prof. Kuo, Boyd Prof. Lawson, Alumni Prof. Oxley, former Vice-Chancellor Fogel, Betti Giles, endower of the Senior Mathematics Award, and former Chair Ron Retherford.

awards ceremony

Algebra and Algebraic Geometry. This group includes Nicholson Professor Emeritus Pierre Conner, as well as Profs. Adkins, Achar, Delzell, Hoffman, Hurrelbrink, Lax, Madden, Morales, Nobile, Perlis, Sage, Schlichting, Verrill, and van Wamelen. Click this link to find all recent recent doctoral dissertation topics from this and other groups. Read a brief introduction to this subject area.

Algebraic Topology, Knot Theory, and Topological Algebra. This group includes Prof. Emeritus Conner and Profs. Baldridge, Tara Brendle, Cohen, Dasbach, Gilmer, Lawson, Lisan, Litherland, Brendan Owens, Marco Schlichting, Smolinsky, and Stoltzfus. You can read about all recent recent doctoral dissertation topics from this and other groups. This group has prepared a brief introduction to this subject area.

Applied Analysis/Control Theory/PDE Group. This group includes Profs. Cochran, Dorroh, Estrada, Ferreyra, Lawson, Lipton, Malisoff, Neubrander, Sundar, Tom, and Wolenski,. You can read about all recent recent doctoral dissertation topics from this and other groups. Prof. Neubrander has set up an international preprint computer bulletin board in cooperation with the University of Karlsruhe to serve the specialty of Evolution Equations world-wide. You can read a brief introduction to Control Theory. This group also maintains its own home-page.

Dr. Tom

Combinatorics Group. The combinatorics group includes Professors Cohen, Ding, Oporowski, Oxley, and Vertigan. You can find all recent doctoral dissertation topics from this and other groups. The Combinatorics group hosts the Southeastern Combinatorics Conference which draws both U.S. and international combinatorists in February to LSU every third or fourth year, including a meeting at LSU in February, 1996. You can read a brief introduction to this subject area.

Harmonic Analysis and Representation Theory Group. This group includes Profs. Cygan, Davidson, Fabec, Hongyu He, Lawson, Olafsson, Richardson, Rubin, and Sage and You can find all recent doctoral dissertation topics from this and other groups. There is also a brief introduction to this subject area.

Mathematics of Materials Science. This group is part of LSU's interdisciplinary initiative in Materials Science. The members of the group are: Prof. Burak Aksoylu, Prof. Yaniv Almog, Prof. Yuri Antipov, Prof. Blaise Bourdin, Prof. Robert Lipton, Prof. Sage and Prof. Stephen Shipman, You can find all recent doctoral dissertation topics from this and other groups. There is also a brief introduction to this subject area.

Probability Group. This group includes Profs. Cochran, Ferreyra, Kuo, Sengupta, and Sundar. You can find all recent doctoral dissertation topics from this and other groups. There is also a brief introduction to this subject area.

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