Zhiyu Wang
Zhiyu Wang
Assistant Professor (Aug 2023 - current)
Department of Mathematics
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, US

Ph.D. Mathematics (2015-2020)
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, US

B.Sc. Mathematics (2011-2015)
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, US

Email: zhiyuw at lsu dot edu
Office: Lockett Hall 108

About me

I'm currently an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics, Louisiana State University.

Before that, I was a Hale Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, supervised by Professor Xingxing Yu.

I received my PhD in Mathematics from the University of South Carolina (2015-2020) under the supervision of Professor Linyuan Lu.

My research interests lie in probabilistic and extremal combinatorics, structural graph theory, spectral (hyper)graph theory, discrete geometry, and applications of combinatorics to theoretical computer science and data science. My Erdős number is 2 .

For more information on my research, please see my CV and Google Scholar Page.

I'm co-organizing the Louisiana State University Combinatorics Seminar. If you are interested in giving a talk, please let us know!


  • (With W. Linz and L. Lu) Maximum spread of Ks,t-minor-free graphs. (Arxiv)
  • (With X. Liu and Z. Song) On tight (k,l)-stable graphs. (Arxiv)
  • (With G. Brooks, F. Osaye, A. Schenfisch and J. Yu) Outerplanar graphs with positive Lin-Lu-Yau curvature. (Arxiv)
  • (With Y. Ge and X. Liu) On the oriented diameter of near planar triangulations. (Arxiv)
  • (With Z. Li, W. Linz and L. Lu) On the maximum spread of planar and outerplanar graphs. (Arxiv)
  • (With J. Schroeder and X. Yu) On the 3-colorability of triangle-free and fork-free graphs. (Arxiv)
  • (With S. Bai, Y. Lin, L. Lu and S. T. Yau) Ollivier Ricci-flow on weighted graphs. (Arxiv)
  • (With L. Lu) On the size of planar graphs with positive Lin-Lu-Yau Ricci curvature. (Arxiv)
  • (With L. Lu) A note on 1-guardable graphs in the cops and robber game. Submitted. (Arxiv)


  • (With W. Linz and L. Lu) Maximum spread of K2,t-minor-free graphs, Linear Algebra Appl., 676 (2023), 352-373. (Arxiv)
  • (With X. Liu, J. Schroeder and X. Yu) Polynomial χ-binding functions for t-broom-free graphs,J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 162 (2023), 118-133. (Arxiv)
  • (With L. Lu and A. Meier) Anti-Ramsey number of edge-disjoint rainbow spanning trees in all graphs, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 37(2) (2023),10.1137/21M1428121. (Arxiv)
  • (With X. Liu and X. Yu) Counting Hamiltonian cycles in planar triangulations, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 155 (2022), 256-277. (Arxiv)
  • (With L. Lu) Concentration inequalities in spaces of random configurations with positive Ricci curvatures, Pure Appl. Math. Q. , 18(6) (2022), 2569-2598. (Arxiv)
  • (With M. N. Ellingham and L. Lu) Maximum spectral radius of outerplanar 3-uniform hypergraphs, J. Graph Theory, 100(4) (2022), 671-685. (Arxiv)
  • (With L. Lu) On the cover Turán number of Berge hypergraphs, European J. Combin., 98 (2021), 103416 (Arxiv)
  • (With L. Lu) On Hamiltonian Berge cycles in [3]-uniform hypergraphs, Discrete Math., 344(8) (2021), 112462. (Arxiv)
  • (With G. Damásdi, B. Keszegh, D. Malec, C. Tompkins and O. Zamora) Saturation problems in the Ramsey theory of graphs, posets and point sets, European J. Combin. 95 (2021), 103321. (Arxiv)
  • (With L. Kang, L. Liu, L. Lu) The extremal p-spectral radius of Berge-hypergraphs, Linear Algebra Appl., 610 (2021), 608-624. (Arxiv)
  • (With L. Lu) Anti-Ramsey number of edge-disjoint rainbow spanning trees, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 34(4) (2020), 2346-2362,. (Arxiv)
  • (With L. Lu) On the cover Ramsey number of Berge hypergraphs, Discrete Math., 343(9) (2020), 111972. (Arxiv)
  • (With M. A. Javidian, L. Lu, M. Valtorta) On a hypergraph probabilistic graphical model, Ann. Math. Artif. Intell., 88(9) (2020), 1003-1033. (Arxiv)
  • (With J. Kim, R. R. Martin, T. Masarik, W. Shull, H.C. Smith and A. Uzzell) On Difference graphs and the local dimension of posets, European J. Combin., 86 (2020), 103074. (Arxiv)
  • (With É. Czabarka, I. Singgih, L.A. Székely) Some remarks on the midrange crossing constant, Studia Sci. Math. Hung., 57(2) (2020), 187-192 . (Arxiv)
  • (With N. Salia, C. Tompkins, O. Zamora) Ramsey numbers of Berge-hypergraphs and related structures, Electron. J. Comb., 26(4) (2019), P4.40. (Arxiv, Code)
  • (With É. Czabarka, J. Reiswig, L.A. Székely) Midrange crossing constants for graphs classes, Indian J. Discrete Math., 5(1) (2019), 23-35. (Arxiv)
  • (With J. Asplund, É. Czabarka, G. Clark, G. Cochran, A. Hamm, G. Spencer, L.A. Székely, L. Taylor) Using Block Designs in Crossing Number Bounds, J. Combin. Des., 27(10) (2018), 586-597. (Arxiv)
  • (With L. Lu) On the size-Ramsey number of tight paths, SIAM J. on Discrete Math., 32(3) (2018), 2172-2179. (Arxiv)
  • (With É. Czabarka) Erdős-Szekeres Theorem for cyclic permutations, Involve, 12(2) (2019), 351-360. (Arxiv)
  • (With J. Asplund, T. Do, A. Hamm, L.A. Székely, L. Taylor) The k-planar crossing number of random graphs and random regular graphs, Discrete Appl. Math., 247 (2018), 419-422. (Arxiv)
  • (With A. Hasan, A. S. Mahani) Fast Estimation of Multinomial Logit Models: R Package mnlogit, J. Stat. Softw., 75(3) (2016), 1-24. (Manuscript, R Package)