Hypergeometric functions and modular forms, of integral as well as half- integral weights, play essential roles in the study of algebraic varieties. In particular, their combinatorial properties are intimately connected with the geometry of Shimura varieties, hypergeometric varieties, which are generalizations of the Legendre curves, and Calabi-Yau varieties, which can be viewed as higher-dimensional analogs of elliptic curves, at least from the point of view of mirror symmetry. In this workshop, we'd like to celebrate the important contributions of Noriko Yui in these topics, and showcase recent contributions of junior researchers. In particular, we would like to explore in this mini-workshop how to compute, both theoretically and computationally, the fundamental invariants of the above-mentioned types of algebraic varieties, such as Galois representations, L-functions, and periods. This workshop follows in the wake of last year's conference on applications of automorphic forms in number theory and combinatorics, promoting the study of number theory in Louisiana and in the South.

Luca Candelori Louisiana State University
Will Chen Pennsylvania State University
Yara Elias McGill University
Cameron Franc University of Michigan
Jerome William Hoffman Louisiana State University
Jennifer Li Louisiana State University
Ling Long Louisiana State University
Victor Moll Tulane University
Alexander Molnar Queen's University
Jorge Morales Louisiana State University
Fan-Ting Tu National Center for Theoretical Sciences in Taiwan
Yunyun Yang Louisiana State University
Noriko Yui Queen's University
Luca Candelori Louisiana State University
Jennifer Li Louisiana State University
Ling Long Louisiana State University
Robert Perlis Louisiana State University

NTF The Number Theory Foundation

MR Microsoft Research

LSU Math LSU Department of Mathematics