Isaac B. Michael

Publications & Preprints

  1. Net Regular Signed Trees, with M. Sepanski, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 66(2), 192-204 (2016).
  2. On Birman's Sequence of Hardy–Rellich-type Inequalities, with F. Gesztesy, L. Littlejohn, and R. Wellman, Journal of Differential Equations 264(4), 2761-2801 (2018).
  3. Radial and Logarithmic Refinements of Hardy's Inequality, with F. Gesztesy, L. Littlejohn, and M. M. H. Pang, Algebra i Analiz, 30(3), 55–65 (2018) (Russian), St. Petersburg Math. J., St. 30, 429–436 (2019) (English).
  4. On Weighted Hardy-Type Inequalities, with C. Y. Chuah, F. Gesztesy, L. Littlejohn, T. Mei, and M. M. H. Pang, Math. Ineq. & App. 23(2), 625–646 (2020).
  5. A Sequence of Weighted Birman–Hardy–Rellich-type Inequalities with Logarithmic Refinements, with F. Gesztesy, L. Littlejohn, and M. M. H. Pang (soon to appear in Integral Eq. and Operator Theory).
  6. Optimality of Constants in Weighted Birman–Hardy–Rellich Inequalities with Logarithmic Refinements, with F. Gesztesy, and M. M. H. Pang (soon to appear in CUBO, A Math. J.).
  7. A New Proof of the Power Weighted Birman–Hardy–Rellich Inequalities, with F. Gesztesy, and M. M. H. Pang (submitted for publication).
  8. Multidimensional Weighted Birman–Hardy–Rellich-type Inequalities with Radial and Logarithmic Refinements, with F. Gesztesy, L. Littlejohn, and M. M. H. Pang (in progress).
  9. Operator Splitting for Non-Linear Evolution Equations, with F. Neubrander, R. Gilman, and K. Özer (in progress).
Dissertation: On Birman–Hardy–Rellich-type Inequalities