Virtual Math Circle: Research Opportunities for High School Students

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Math Circle virtual summer camps bring together rising 9th–12th grade math enthusiasts to:

  • learn material not typically taught in a high school curriculum;
  • traverse the complex world of college mathematics;
  • conduct mathematical research with guidance from university faculty and graduate students;
  • present a 45-minute, colloquial-style poster session;
  • hone research and communication skills through a capstone project.

Each student project may potentially:

  • qualify as a fall science fair project;
  • evolve into deeper research experiences with faculty;
  • merit financial support towards future travel to conferences, or for publication costs;
  • enhance college applications.

Math Circle virtual summer camps are an outreach collaboration between the LSU Department of Mathematics and the LSU Gordon A. Cain Center for STEM Literacy.

Work with a mentor and peers

At the start of the summer camp, research mentors give virtual talks on their area of research and potential research topics. Students in groups of 4 will meet virtually with their mentor, Monday–Friday for 2–3 hours each day, for a duration of 3 weeks. Students will be exposed to a wide variety of topics in each field and will gain a solid foundation in university-level mathematics.

Upcoming session dates and research topics

Archive of past sessions and projects


Contact Isaac Michael <>.

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