Undergraduate Program

Welcome students, prospective students, parents, and teachers to the Louisiana State University Mathematics Department undergraduate program website. The LSU Department of Mathematics is dedicated to providing an excellent education for our undergraduates, equipping them with the skills needed for the marketplace or further graduate studies. We offer a broad and diverse program in both applied and pure mathematics, with concentrations in: mathematics, actuarial science, data science, math and a second discipline, mathematical statistics, secondary education, and computational mathematics.
Our department is dynamic, with 53 professors, 10 postdocs, and 15 instructors engaged in research and teaching, along with 97 graduate students pursuing advanced studies. This diverse and vibrant environment makes the LSU Mathematics Department an exciting place to be. The undergraduate curriculum includes transition courses such as Solving Discrete Problems (Math 2020), Discrete Dynamical Systems (Math 2030), and Mathematical Foundations of Data Science (MATH 2035), guiding students into higher-level mathematics. Junior and senior-level classes, typically with fewer than 25 students, provide individual attention tailored to each concentration. Explore the Undergraduate Menu on the left side-bar to learn more about our program.

  • The Mathematics Concentration offers a solid background in mathematics. It is the concentration that allows the most freedom to pursue mathematical depth and a broad background. Those who wish to pursue graduate study in mathematics, or one of the professional schools, should consider this concentration.
  • The Actuarial Science Concentration prepares students to become actuaries. An actuary studies future risks in finance, business and insurance. The job of actuary consistently ranks as one of the best jobs in the US. Actuaries must learn mathematics, economics, and finance.
  • The Data Science Concentration equips students with the essential mathematical background for Data Science. Applications of the Mathematics of Data Science span across all STEM disciplines and beyond, impacting fields such as engineering, biology, finance, and social sciences. Students in this concentration will develop a comprehensive understanding of the mathematical principles underlying data analysis, machine learning, and statistical learning.
  • The Concentration in Math and a Second Discipline provides students a customized route to preparing for using mathematics in a specific discipline, be it physics, biology, computer science, engineering, economics or other.
  • The Mathematical Statistics Concentration is versatile enough to prepare students to enter into graduate programs in statistics or directly into employment. Students may emphasize mathematical analysis, probability, and some practical statistics courses to prepare for graduate school in statistics or they may put more emphasis on practical statistics for employment. The program was formed in cooperation with the Department of Experimental Statistics. A student may obtain a minor in Experimental Statistics by taking a proper choice of required electives and one additional class.
  • The Secondary Education Concentration prepares students to become middle or high school mathematics teachers. Graduates will have the mathematical background of a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, the education background with teaching certification, and classroom experience. The LSU GeauxTeach program offers more information to students pursuing this concentration.
  • The Computational Mathematics Concentration offers course work in the mathematics behind numerical procedures and computer algorithms. It is recommended for students interested in careers grappling with tomorrow's large-scale numerical problems.

For a list of the courses required by each concentration, click on "Degree Requirements" in the "Undergraduate" menu.

Our undergraduate program also offers opportunities to engage in education and service beyond classroom courses. Our Mathematics Consultation Clinic gives students experience working with local businesses and industry. Participating in the clinic gives credit for capstone requirement. The math club sponsors mathematical talks designed for undergraduates. In our school outreach program, undergraduate volunteers tutor individuals or small group classes in local high schools.

Last updated July 24. 2024.