Front Page News

Pallavi Dani receives NSF research grant

Pallavi Dani Pallavi Dani is the recipients of an NSF grant on “Coarse Geometry and Rigidity in Coxeter and Hyperbolic Groups”.

Ana Balibanu receives 2024 Lichnerowicz Prize

Ana Balibanu Ana Balibanu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at LSU, has been awarded the 2024 Lichnerowicz Prize for her contributions to the study of the profound connections between algebraic groups and Poisson geometry. The André Lichnerowicz Prize in Poisson Geometry, established in 2008, is awarded biennially at the International Conference on Poisson Geometry to recognize outstanding contributions to the field. Named in memory of André Lichnerowicz (1915-1998), whose pioneering work was instrumental in establishing Poisson Geometry as a distinct branch of mathematics, the prize recipients are selected by a jury comprised of members from the conference’s scientific and advisory committee.

Second Edition of Boris Rubin's Book "Fractional Integrals, Potentials, and Radon Transforms"

Rubin Book The revised edition of Boris Rubin's book, Fractional Integrals, Potentials, and Radon Transforms, will be released in August. This edition includes two new chapters and a new appendix, focusing on Radon transforms and the harmonic analysis of linear operators that commute with rotations and dilations.

Samuel Weiner awarded 2024-2025 LSU Dissertation Year Fellowship

Samuel Weiner Samuel Weiner has been awarded the 2024-2025 LSU Dissertation Year Fellowship. This highly competitive fellowship is awarded to outstanding Ph.D. students in their final year, allowing them to concentrate exclusively on their dissertation research.

Dylan Douthitt receives 2024-2025 LSU Dissertation Year Fellowship

James Dylan Douthitt Dylan Douthitt has been awarded a 2024-2025 LSU Dissertation Year Fellowship, a prestigious recognition for exemplary PhD candidates in their final academic year. This competitive fellowship enables exceptional scholars like Douthitt with the necessary resources and support to solely focus on their dissertation research. 

2024 LSU Distinguished Communicator Medal for Lillian Powell

Lillian Powell Math Major Lillian Powell is one of 65 graduates from eight different colleges at LSU who will be awarded the LSU Distinguished Communicator Medal during the May 2024 Commencement Ceremony. Her advisor is Charles Delzell. This honor recognizes recipients for their exceptional skills in writing and speaking, along with a proficient command of visual literacy and technological communication.

Ana Balibanu Awarded NSF Grant for Research in Geometric Representation Theory

Ana Balibanu Ana Balibanu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at LSU, has been awarded a three-year research grant from the US National Science Foundation (NSF). Titled "Wonderful Varieties, Hyperplane Arrangements, and Poisson Representation Theory," the grant supports a project that investigates the algebraic structures arising from the symmetries of geometric objects. This research is expected to advance knowledge in several fields, including algebraic combinatorics, algebraic geometry, mathematical physics, and symplectic geometry.

2024 Curtis E. Huntington Memorial Scholarship for Math Major Bren Hutchinson

Bren Hutchinson Bren Hutchinson, an LSU math major, was awarded the 2024 Curtis E. Huntington Memorial Scholarship by the Actuarial Foundation. This scholarship is granted through a national competition open to full-time college seniors who are planning to pursue a career as an actuary. This year, the Actuarial Foundation awarded ten such scholarships.

Daniel Massatt and Yuri Antipov receive DEPSCoR research grant

Daniel Massatt Daniel Massatt (PI) and Yuri Antipov are the recipients of a $500,000 DEPSCoR research grant from the Department of Defense (DoD) on "Incommensurate Multi-Walled Nanotubes: Electronic and Mechanical Properties".