Front Page News

Michael Malisoff Receives NSF Grant for Research with Aerospace Applications

Michael Malisoff Michael Malisoff, LSU Roy Paul Daniels Professor of Mathematics, has been awarded a 3-year research grant entitled ``Designs and Theory for Interval Contractors and Reference Governors with Aerospace Applications'' from the US National Science Foundation (NSF). The project is collaborative with Laurent Burlion, who is an assistant professor in the Rutgers University Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

NSF supports Arnab Ganguly's research

Arnab Ganguly LSU Professor of Mathematics Arnab Ganguly has been awarded a research grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for a research project on Learning complex stochastic systems.

NSF Research Grant for Hongchao Zhang

Hongchao Zhang LSU Professor of Mathematics Hongchao Zhang has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for a research project on Active Set Methods for Large-scale Sparse Nonlinear Optimization. Large-scale nonconvex sparse nonlinear optimization problems frequently arise in many modern applications where speed, stability and solution accuracy are critically important.

NSF supports research of Fang-Ting Tu

Fang-Ting Tu LSU Assistant Professor Fang-Ting Tu secured a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for a research project in Number Theory. This project focuses on investigating the connection between two fundamental objects in number theory: modular forms and hypergeometric functions.

2023 Awards to Math Majors

2023 College of Science Honors Convocation The LSU Department of Mathematics presented its annual math major awards at the 2023 LSU College of Science Honors Convocation: Michael Gravois is the recipient of the 2023 Betti and Robert Giles Senior Mathematics Award. Han Nguyen received the Pasquale Porcelli Rising Senior Undergraduate Scholarship, and Jay Garcia the Pasquale Porcelli Rising Junior Undergraduate Scholarship.

Ling Long Receives College of Science Undergraduate Teaching Award

Ling Long Undergraduate Teaching Award Ling Long is the recipient of the 2023 LSU College of Science Undergraduate Teaching Award. The award recognizes superior teaching in undergraduate courses.

NSF Grant for Gene Kopp

Gene Kopp LSU Assistant Professor of Mathematics Gene Kopp G has recently been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for a research project that aims to explore the relationship between number theory and quantum information theory. In particular, the project will focus on investigating the connections between Zauner's conjecture, a key problem in quantum information theory, and certain open problems in number theory.

Bogdan Oporowski (1958-2023)

Bogdan Oporowski Our friend and colleague Bogdan Oporowski, LSU Professor of Mathematics, passed away Friday, April 7th, 2023. Bogdan Oporowski completed his undergraduate studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, and went on to earn his Ph.D. from Ohio State University in 1989, where he was supervised by Neil Robertson. After completing his doctoral studies, he joined the Math department as an Assistant Professor, marking the beginning of a long and successful career as professor at LSU. 

Number Theory Conferences @ LSU

Number Theory at LSU The LSU Math Number Theory Group will organize or co-organize three Number Theory Conferences this spring:

- Since 2014, the Number Theory group has been running the Southern Regional Number Theory Conference series. This year, it will be held March 11-12, 2023.

2022 Pasquale Porcelli Graduate Student Research Excellence Award for Kevin Kellinsky-Gonzalez

Kevin Kellinsky-GonzalesKevin Kellinsky-Gonzalez receives the 2022 Pasquale Porcelli Graduate Student Research Excellence Award. He is working on his thesis under Professor Ricardo Estrada and will be finishing his Ph.D. in May 2023.  Kellinsky-Gonzalez’ work is in the theory of distributions, and he has published articles in Indagationes Mathematicae and the Electronic Journal of Mathematics. He is an avid teacher, tutor and chess coach.