Front Page News

Ling Long appointed to Editorial Board of the International Journal of Number Theory

Ling Long Ling Long, Michael F. and Roberta Nesbit McDonald Professor of Mathematics, has been appointed to the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Number Theory, which has been influential for 20 years. Professor Long joined the LSU Math Department in 2013.

LSU Math Alumnus Robert Osburn Wins 1 Million Euro IRC Advanced Laureate Research Award

Robert Osburn - LSU Ph.D. 2001 Robert Osburn, an alumnus of LSU with a Ph.D. obtained in 2001, currently an Associate Professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at University College Dublin, Ireland, has been honored with the Advanced Laureate Award from the Irish Research Council. His project, titled 'Q-series, Quantum Knot Invariants and Modularity,' is among sixteen projects selected for funding in various fields such as life sciences, humanities, physical sciences and engineering, and social sciences.

Robert Lipton Part of $7.2 Million MURI Grant Project.

Robert Lipton Robert Lipton, Nicholson Professor in the LSU Mathematics Department, is collaborating on a $7.2 million Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) grant awarded by the Army Research Office (ARO).

2024 Porcelli Lecture Series: R. Tyrrell Rockafellar

R. Tyrrell Rockafellar Porcelli Lecture Series  The 2023 guest lecturer for the LSU Mathematics Porcelli Lecture Series is R. Tyrrell Rockafellar, Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington. The inaugural Porcelli Lecture took place in 1980.

2023 Barton Superior Graduate Student Awards

2023 Barton Awards Jack Dalberg, Brian Grove, and Emma Lien have been honored with the 2023 Arthur K. Barton Superior Graduate Student Scholarships, while Iswarya Sitiraju is the recipient of the 2023 A. K. and Shirley Barton Superior Graduate Student Scholarship.

Machine Learning: MATH 4020 Fall 2023

MATH 4020 Presentations - Fall 2023 On Thursday, November 30th, 2023, the LSU MATH 4020 Capstone Course lead by Professor Peter Wolenski and Professor Nadejda Drenska conducted presentations from four separate research teams of students. Each project represented the achievements of an intense semester long effort exploring the practical applications of mathematics research. These research projects unfolded throughout the fall semester, with graduate student leaders guiding and collaborating with undergraduate students in each team.

2023 Pasquale Porcelli Graduate Student Research Excellence Award for Iswarya Sitiraju

Iswarya Sitiraju Iswarya Sitiraju is the 2023 recipient of the Pasquale Porcelli Graduate Student Research Excellence Award. She is currently working on her doctoral dissertation under Professor Gestur Olafsson, with an expected graduation in Summer 2024. Her research focuses on homogeneous spaces, abstract harmonic analysis, and mathematical physics. She has already submitted an article to a top-tier journal in her field and is preparing another paper on deep learning with Professor Peter Wolenski.

LSU Department of Mathematics Awarded $2.5 Million NSF-RTG Grant

NSF RTG 2023 in Topology, Topology, Representation Theory, and Mathematical Physics A team from the LSU Department of Mathematics was recently awarded a $2.5 million NSF Research Training Group Grant to support initiatives for students and early-career mathematicians seeking to engage in cutting-edge research in the fields of topology, representation theory, and mathematical physics. The LSU team consists of lead PI Dr. Pramod Achar, along with four Co-PIs: Dr. Pallavi Dani, Dr. Gestur Olafsson, Dr. David Shea Vela-Vick, and Dr.