Front Page News

2021 Distinguished Research Master Award for Robert Lipton

Robert Lipton LSU Mathematics Nicholson Professor Robert Lipton receives the 2021 Distinguished Research Master (DRM) award for outstanding career accomplishments in research and scholarship. Granted by the LSU Council on Research, the annual DRM award recognizes one LSU faculty member in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics who has achieved vital impact on the scholarly community in their field.

SIAM News Blog spotlights Susanne C. Brenner

Susanne Brenner In honor of Women's History Month, the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) spotlighted Professor Susanne C. Brenner in their March 08, 2021 SIAM News Blog.

Ron Retherford (1937-2021)

Ron Retherford Ron Retherford, who was chair of the LSU Math department from 1992 until 2000, passed away on January 20, 2021.

Kent Vashaw Accepts NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship at MIT for Fall 2021

Kent Vashaw LSU Mathematics graduate student Kent Vashaw has accepted a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, which places him at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Fall 2021. He will be mentored by Dr. Pavel Etingof in the MIT Department of Mathematics, performing research in representation theory.

LSU Distinguished Communicator Medal for Math Major Mary Margaret Sanford

Math Major Mary Margaret Sanford
Math Major Mary Margaret Sanford will be among 17 LSU graduates across seven colleges who will receive the LSU Distinguished Communicator Medal during the December 2020 Commencement.

Texas-Louisiana Undergraduate Math Conference 2020: October 31/November 1

Texas-Louisiana Undergraduate Math Conference 2018 The 2020 Texas-Louisiana Undergraduate Math Conference will take place on October 31 and November 1. From LSU, students of Andrei Tarfulea, Anton Zeitlin, Rob Lipton, and Shawn Walker will present their work orally and by poster. The conference series was started in 2017 and rotates between Texas A&M, the University of Houston and LSU. The organizers are Stephen Shipman (LSU), Daniel Onofrei and William Ott (University of Houston) and Matt Young (Texas A&M).

"75 Years of Mathematics of Computation" published

Book: 75 Years of Mathematics of Computation

The book 75 Years of Mathematics of Computation, Volume 754 in the AMS Series Contemporary Mathematics, was published. The volume is edited by Susanne C. Brenner (LSU), Igor Shparlinski (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia), Chi-Wang Shu (Brown University) and Daniel B. Szyld (Temple University).

Ricardo Estrada to Deliver Plenary Lecture at GF2020

Poster GF 2020 Professor Ricardo Estrada will be one of the plenary (virtual) speakers at the International Conference on Generalized Functions, GF2020, August 31-September 4, 2020, Ghent, Belgium.