M6301 and M6302

The following proposal for revisions of two catalog entries was drawn up and approved by the ad hoc Math Department MNS Committee (consisting of: Professors Adkins, Baldridge, Bourdin, Cochran, Ferreyra, Madden, Neubrander, Perlis, Sengupta, Shipman, Sundar and Wolenski and Instructors Harhad and McAnelly). It was reviewed by the Math Department Graduate Studies Studies Committee and approved by vote of that committee on October 12, 2012.

The department should update the LSU Catalog descriptions of 6301 and 6302. The revised course entries should be as follows:

6301 Implementing Curriculum Standards for Mathematics in the Elementary Grades (1-3) This course is intended primarily for participants in teacher-training programs. Mathematics selected from nationally recognized curriculum standards for the elementary grades, treated with attention to depth and the specific needs of teachers. May be repeated for up to 9 sem. hrs. credit if topics vary.

6302 Implementing Curriculum Standards for Mathematics in the Middle Grades (1-3) This course is intended primarily for participants in teacher-training programs. Mathematics selected from nationally recognized curriculum standards for the middle grades, treated with attention to depth and the specific needs of teachers. May be repeated for up to 9 sem. hrs. credit if topics vary.

Rationale. The existing descriptions were written in the 1990s, when the NCTM Standards were the most articulate standards for school mathematics that had national recognition. Since then, many state standards have been developed. At present, the Common Core Standards have been adopted by almost all states.

Relationship to other courses. These courses are not “instructional methods” courses, and do not overlap with School of Education courses such as EDCI 7109 Studies in the Teaching of Elementary Mathematics or EDCI 7141 Studies in the Teaching of Mathematics in Secondary Schools, which are concerned with “techniques and materials for teaching…mathematics” and with “relationship[s] between learning theories and acquisition of mathematical skills and concepts”.

Comments. The courses will treat mathematical concepts that are significant in recognized curriculum standards. The course are balanced in treating mathematics with rigor and depth as well as paying attention to the problems that teachers encounter in communicating about mathematics and in designing and delivering instruction.

6301-FORM-C-bis.pdf184.77 KB
6302-FORM-C-bis.pdf185.86 KB