For the fifth time the math department will host SMILE@LSU, a five week undergraduate summer program. This year it starts Monday June 10th and ends July 12th.  Participants are 24 undergraduates from the southern region; specifically: Morehouse College, UNO, University of Alabama,  Ole Miss,  University of South Alabama, Xavier University, Mississippi State University, Southeastern Louisiana University, Southern, ULL, and LSU.

Six graduate students from LSU will be mentors.

Students enroll in two of the following 3 short courses:

  • Mobius transformations and Parallel Transports in the Upper-Half Plane,  Instructor: Edgar Reyes (Southeastern)
  • The Umbral Calculus, Instructor:  Valerio De Angelis (Xavier)
  • Transform Methods and their Role in Classical Linear Algebra , Instructor:  Mark Davidson (LSU).

There will be 6 group projects and presentations of those projects will be on Friday, July 12th.  The undergraduate students will work with high school students in the Math Circles program  and mentor them in their projects.  

The SMILE@LSU is funded by the NSF as part of VIGRE.