Discrete Optimization


Please direct inquiries about our graduate program to:

Faculty members: Guoli Ding, Bogdan Oporowski, James Oxley.

A Ph.D. graduate student in the Computer Science Department, Industrial Engineering Department or Electrical and Computer Engineering Department could possibly obtain a Master's Degree in Applied Mathematics by taking the following Mathematics courses: Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Complexity Analysis, Discrete Optimization, and Matroid Theory.

There are a number of courses offered by other departments that would be compatible with this degree program. These include:

  1. CSC 7200/7201: Theory of Computation I & II
  2. CSC 7300: Algorithm Design and Analysis
  3. CSC 7370: Graph Algorithms
  4. CSC 7381: Computational Aspects of VLSI CAD
  5. EE 7110: Network Analysis and Synthesis
  6. EE 7640: Information Theory, Coding, and Cryptography
  7. EE 7760: Reliable Design of Digital Systems
  8. IE 7541: Linear Programming Algorithms
  9. IE 7551: Queuing Theory
  10. IE 7561: Programming Methods in Operations Research