Graduate Course Outlines, Summer 2009-Spring 2010


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Summer 2009

  • MATH 7999-1 and 7999-2:  Vertically Integrated Research and Mentoring.
  • Instructor: Prof. Davidson.
  • Prerequisite: .
  • Text: .


  • MATH 7999-3 and 7999-4:  Analysis and Topology Problem Labs---Qualifier Preparation.
  • Instructor: Prof. Cygan.
  • Prerequisite: .
  • Text: .


Fall 2009

  • MATH 4999-1:  Vertically Integrated Research: Physics and Group Representation.
  • Instructor: Prof. He and Prof. Olafsson.
  • Prerequisite:
  • References: Unitary Group Representations in Physics, Probability and Number theory by George Mackey, 1978; "Symmetric and Unitary Group Representations: I Duality Theory" R.W. Hasse and P. H. Butler, Journal of Physics; A: Math and Theoretical (17) 1984, 61-74; The Principles of Quantum Mechanics by P. Dirac, 1981; Dynamical Symmetries of Nuclear Collective Models, D. Rowe, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys (37) 265-348, 1996.

This VIR class will concentrate on the interplay between group actions, group representations and physics. Symmetries in the physical world are often described by abstract groups in mathematics. For example, electrons on an orbit observe a certain symmetry defined by permutation group. We will focus on finite groups and continuous groups like the symplectic groups. It will cover topics that are interesting for undergraduate students, like the groups of permutations, and how one can determine their representations. For graduate students then there will be more advance topics like bounded symmetric domains, Geometric quantization, unitary representations of the symplectic groups and why those are interesting for questions in physics.

We will start with some introductory topics in physics and representations of the symmetric group and then slowly move into unsolved problems in mathematical physics. The topics are relevant in fields like analysis, number theory, and physics.

  • MATH 4999-3:  Vertically Integrated Research: Visualization of knots on surfaces .
  • Instructor: Prof. Dasbach with Profs. Heather Russell and Neal Stoltzfus .
  • Prerequisite: Visualization of knots on surfaces
  • Text: .

Over the last 20 years knot theory became one of the central areas in mathematics. One studies properties of knots, like the unknotting number which measures the easiest way to unknot a knot. Our interest will be in the surfaces on which knots project in some nice way, and what those projections tell us about the knot. 

We will learn and apply methods in computer graphics, differential geometry, knot theory and other areas of mathematics. The course is intended for both undergraduate and graduate students. 

  • MATH 4999-4: Vertically Integrated Research: Equivariant cohomology: Algebra and the Shape of Space.
  • Instructor: Prof. Sage. .
  • Prerequisite:
  • Text: .
  • MATH 4999-5:  Vertically Integrated Research: Complex Materials and Fluids.
  • Instructor: Prof. Lipton with S. Armstrong. .
  • Prerequisite: Math 2057 for undergraduate students; Math 7311 for graduate students.
  • Text: .

The course provides a self contained and hands on introduction to the field of homogenization theory as well as a guide to the current research literature useful for understanding the mathematics and physics of complex heterogeneous media. The first part of the course introduces the variational tools and useful asymptotic techniques necessary for characterizing the macroscopic behavior of heterogeneous media. Next we explore methods for constructing solutions of field equations inside extreme microstructures such as the the space filling coated spheres construction of Hashin and Shtrikman and the confocal ellipsoid construction of Milton and Tartar. The third part of the course shows how to apply these tools and field constructions to recover new theorems that characterize extreme field behavior inside complex materials
in terms of the statistics of the random medium and the applied incident fields.

  • MATH 7001: Communicating Mathematics I
  • Instructor: Prof. Oxley .
  • Prerequisite: Consent of department. This course is required for all incoming graduate students. It is a lab course meeting for an average of two hours per week throughout the semester for one-semester-hour's credit.

This course provides practical training in the teaching of mathematics at the pre-calculus level, how to write mathematics for publication, and treats other issues relating to mathematical exposition. Communicating Mathematics I and II are designed to provide training in all aspects of communicating mathematics. Their overall goal is to teach the students how to successfully teach, write, and talk about mathematics to a wide variety of audiences. In particular, the students will receive training in teaching both pre-calculus and calculus courses. They will also receive training in issues that relate to the presentation of research results by a professional mathematician. Classes tend to be structured to maximize discussion of the relevant issues. In particular, each student presentation is analyzed and evaluated by the class.

  • MATH 7210: Algebra I
  • Instructor: Prof. Schlichting.
  • Prerequisite: Math 4200 or the equivalent.
  • Text:  Grove: Algebra and Serge Lang: Algebra. (Revised third edition)

This is the first semester of the first year graduate algebra sequence. It will cover the basic notions of group, ring, and module theory. Topics will include symmetric and alternating groups, Cayley's theorem, group actions and the class equation, the Sylow theorems, finitely generated abelian groups, polynomial rings, Euclidean domains, principal ideal domains, unique factorization domains, finitely generated modules over PIDs and applications to linear algebra, field extensions, and finite fields.

  • Math 7280: Hopf Algebras and Quantum Groups.
  • Instructor: Prof. Yakimov.
  • Prerequisite: Math 7210 or the equivalent.
  • Text: Lecture notes will be distributed.

The representation theory of Hopf algebras/Quantum groups has attracted a lot of attention since the mid 80's. This was stimulated by many interesting relations to combinatorics, topology, mathematical physics and integrable systems.

We will first go over the theory of Poisson Lie groups. Then we will study finite dimensional representations and crystal bases. The course will finish with representations in the case when a certain deformation parameter is a root of unity.

  • MATH 7290: Representations of Finite-Dimensional Algebras.
  • Instructor: Prof. Achar.
  • Prerequisites: Math 7211 Algebra II.
  • Text: M. Auslander, I. Reiten, and S. Smalø, Representation Theory of Artin Algebras.

The notion of a module over a ring is one of the most basic concepts in algebra, but when the ring is not semisimple, understanding the possible structure of modules is remarkably difficult.  This course will present a modern (post-1970) approach to this subject, using homological methods and the Auslander-Reiten theory of ``almost split sequences," and focusing on quiver representations as a source of motivation and examples.  Later in the semester, I hope to discuss quasi-hereditary algebras, highest-weight categories, and the "abstract Kazhdan-Lusztig theory" developed by Cline-Parshall-Scott in the late 1980s.

This course will address the classical theory of real valued functions, measure, and integration. 

Functional Analysis is the language of modern mathematics. The course provides an introduction to the general theory of normed and metric spaces, linear operators and linear functionals, Banach and Hilbert spaces, spectral theory, and other important topics.

  • MATH 7370: Representations of Lie Groups.
  • Instructor: Prof. Olafsson.
  • Prerequisite: 7311 Real Analysis. 7330 Functional Analysis, is helpful but not necessary.
  • Text: Lecture Notes by G. Olafsson.

The main aim of this course will be the representation theory of compact Lie groups and harmonic analysis on compact symmetric spaces. We will start with a short overview over the theory of linear Lie groups and their Lie algebras. Then basic representation theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras. We then apply this to symmetric spaces, which includes the spheres and flag manifolds. We will mainly use our own lecture notes, but the following two books might be helpful:

  1. Brocker and Dieck: Representations of compact Lie groups.
  2. Sepanski: Compact Lie groups.
  • Math 7380-1: Numerical Optimization.
  • Instructor: Prof. Zhang
  • Prerequisites: 4153 Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces and 2085 Linear Algebra
  • Text: Nonlinear Programming: 2nd Edition Author: Dimitri P. Bertsekas, The publisher: Athena Scientific, ISBN: 1-886529-00-0.

This class introduces the basic nonlinear optimization theories and algorithms. The class (temporarily) includes the following topics:

  •  Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions; Convergence
  • analysis; Newton and quasi-Newton methods; Nonlinear conjugate gradient
  • methods; Levenberg-Marquardt methods; quadratic programming and nonlinear programming; penalty- and barrier-function methods;
  • Line search and trust region methods; sequential quadratic programming
  • (SQP) methods; Subgradient methods;


  • Math 7380-3: Partial Differential Equations.
  • Instructor: Prof. Shipman.
  • Prerequisites: Math 7311, including Hilbert space theory.
  • Text:Excerpts from several texts, such as P. R. Garabedian, L. C. Evans, E. C. Titchmarsh, G. B. Whitham, and F. Treves

The course will span a wide variety of topics in partial differential equations with a detailed understanding of illuminating examples.  It will combine self-contained development of theories with exposure to broader developments through presentation of ideas and theorems from the literature.
1.  Basic linear equations and separation of variables.
2.  Fourier transform methods.
3.  Boundary-integral equations and their connection to complex variables and wave scattering.
4.  The method of characteristics for first-order equations.
5.  Calculus of variations, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, the iconal equation in geometric optics.
6.  Quantization and the Schrödinger equation.
7.  Unitary groups, and the role of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators in boundary-value problems.
8.  Nonlinear evolution equations: hyperbolic systems and shocks; the Korteweg-deVries equation.
9.  Asymptotic analysis: the method of stationary phase and WKB theory; application to the vanishing-dispersion limit of the KdV equation.
10.  Special relativity: differential geometry and the special role of the wave equation.

  • MATH 7490: Graph Minors.
  • Instructor: Prof. Ding.
  • Prerequisite: Basic graph theory (for example, Math 4171).
  • Text: None

The purpose of this course is to survey the entire theory of graph-minors. We will emphasis more on the breath of the subject, while the depth will be secondary. Topics to be covered in this course include the following.
1. Classical results of Kuratowski, Wagner, Dirac, and Tutte.
2. Connectivity and splitter theorems.
3. The graph-minors project.


  • MATH 7510: Topology I
  • Instructor: Prof. Baldridge.
  • Prerequisite: Advanced calculus, such as Math 4031..
  • Text: Topology (2nd ed.) by James R. Munkres.

This course is a preparation course for the Core I examination in topology. The course will cover General (Point Set) Topology, Basic Homotopy Theory and Fundamental Group Theory. We will also introduce examples from simplicial complexes and manifolds.

  • MATH 7520: Algebraic Topology
  • Instructor: Prof. Cohen.
  • Prerequisite: MATH 7510 and 7512, or equivalent.
  • Text: Algebraic Topology by A. Hatcher

This course continues the study of algebraic topology begun in MATH 7510 and MATH 7512. The basic idea of this subject is to associate algebraic objects to a topological space (e.g., the fundamental group in MATH 7510, the homology groups in MATH 7512) in such a way that topologically equivalent spaces get assigned equivalent objects (e.g., isomorphic groups). Such algebraic objects are invariants of the space, and provide a means for distinguishing between topological spaces: two spaces with inequivalent invariants cannot be topologically equivalent.

The focus of this course will be on cohomology theory, dual to the homology theory developed in MATH 7512. One reason to pursue cohomology theory is that the cohomology of a space may be given a natural ring structure. This additional algebraic structure provides another topological invariant. In developing this structure, we will study several products relating homology and cohomology. These considerations will be used to study the topology of manifolds, yielding a number of duality theorems also relating homology and cohomology, with a variety of applications.

In addition to its importance within topology, cohomology theory also provides connections between topology and other subjects, including algebra and geometry. Depending on the interests of the audience, we may pursue some of these connections, such as cohomology of groups or the De Rham theorem.

  • MATH 7590: Graphs on Surfaces a.k.a. Dessins d'Enfant.
  • Instructor: Prof. Stoltzfus.
  • Prerequisite: Math 7512 (Topology II) or permission of instructor.
  • Text: Graphs on Surfaces and Their Applications: Authors: Sergei Lando, Alexander Zvonkin, Text Website

The study of fixed embeddings of graphs in surfaces is known by many names: dessin d'enfant, rotation systems, combinatorial maps, ribbon graphs, inter alia. The course will develop the equivalences between the following objects:

  • (Barycentric subdivision=triangulations) of graphs embedded on surfaces
  • Finite index subgroups of SL_2(Z): integral invertible 2-by-2 matrices
  • Algebraic curves defined over a field of algebraic numbers: Belyi curves with applications to:
  • Combinatorial extension of the Whitney-Tutte polynomial by Bollobas & Riordan
  • Jones polynomial of knots and links
  • Generalization of spanning tree technology to quasi-trees (one-faced embeddings)
  • Grothendieck's Lego-Teichmüller space

Spring 2010

  • MATH 4997-1: Vertically Integrated Research: Vertically integrated research: Equivariant cohomology---Algebra and the shape of space.
  • Instructor: Prof. Sage.
  • Prerequisites: For graduate students: 7210 and 7510. For undergraduates: 4200 and 2085, or permission of the instructor.
  • References:

On a rotating hollow sphere, there are exactly two points that don't move at all (we might call them the "north and south poles"). The sphere belongs to a large class of important topological spaces with two key features: (1) they have some (perhaps more than one) kind of rotational symmetry, and (2) they have finitely many points that don't move when the space is rotated. "Equivariant cohomology," the subject of this seminar, is a powerful tool for studying the geometry of such spaces. Using equivariant cohomology, we will explore remarkable connections to combinatorics and group theory.

This semester, we will discuss an important result from current research in representation theory called the geometric Satake isomorphism, restricting ourselves to the simplest possible case of the 2 by 2 invertible complex matrices GL2(C). Roughly speaking, this result states that representations of GL2(C) (i.e., group homomorphisms from GL2(C) to GLn(C) for any n) can be understood in terms of the equivariant cohomology of a topological space called the affine Grassmannian. The goal of this course is to make sense of this isomorphism as explicitly as possible and to come up with a new simple proof in this case. (No background in representation theory is assumed.)

The theme this semester will be graph minors (so basic graph theory will be required). In particular, we will work on special cases for excluding Petersen graph and/or excluding K6. We will also work on problems that are directly related to the current research of our faculty members in combinatorics.
  • MATH 4997-3: Vertically Integrated Research: Dimer models and knot theory.
  • Instructor: Profs. Dasbach, Stoltzfus, Russell
  • Prerequisite: Math 2057 and Math 2085 for undergraduates.
A dimer covering of a graph is a subset of edges that covers every vertex exactly once. Dimer models are important objects of study in statistical mechanics, probability theory and more recently also in topology. We will introduce the basic concepts and we will discuss open problems for dimer models of graphs on surfaces.
  • MATH 4997-4: Vertically Integrated Research: Discontinuous Galerkin Methods. Wednesday and Friday 9:30-11:00.
  • Instructor: Prof. Sung..
  • Prerequisite: Math 2057, a numerical analysis course, and an ability to program.

Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods are numerical methods for solving differential equations. We will review DG methods developed in recent years and discuss open problems. Graduate students can develop DG methods for various applications. Undergraduate students with background in multivariable calculus, linear algebra and programming will have the opportunity to participate in computational projects.

  • MATH 4997-5: Vertically Integrated Research: Group Representations and Physics.
  • Instructor: Profs. Olafsson and He..
  • Prerequisites: The prerequisite for undergraduate students is Math 4032 and for graduate students is 7000 level analysis.

In this course, we will discuss the connections between analysis, group theory and physics. The students will read articles and give presentations. The selection of topics will be discussed at the organizational meeting at the beginning of the semester. Topics can include, but not limited to, geometric quantization, uncertainty principle, lowest-energy representations, reflection positive and duality theory.

  • MATH 7002: Communicating Mathematics II
  • Instructor: Prof. Oxley .
  • Prerequisite: Consent of department. This course is required for all incoming graduate students. It is a lab course meeting for an average of two hours per week throughout the semester for one-semester-hour's credit.
  • MATH 7211: Algebra II
  • Instructor: Prof. Delzell
  • Prerequisite: Math 7210: Algebra I.
  • Text: Larry C. Grove, "Algebra," Academic Press, 1983; reprinted by Dover, 2004; ISBN 0-486-43947-X (paperback).
This is the second semester of the first-year graduate algebra sequence. In this course, we will further develop the topics introduced in the first semester (7210). Specific topics include: normal and separable field extensions; Galois theory and applications; solvable groups, normal series, and the Jordan-Hölder theorem; tensor products and Hom for modules; noetherian rings; the Hilbert Basis Theorem; and algebras over a field.
  • MATH 7280-1: Numerical Linear Algebra
  • Instructor: Prof. Wan.
  • Prerequisite: Linear Algebra and Advanced Calculus.
  • Text: Fundamentals of matrix computation by David S. Watkins (2nd edition) 2002.
Matrix computations lies at the heart of most scientific computer codes. In this course, we will study how to perform such computations efficiently and accurately. Topics will include Gaussian elimination, singular value decomposition, eigenvalue solvers and iterative methods for linear systems.
  • MATH 7280-2: Algebraic Curves.
  • Instructor: Prof. Morales.
  • Prerequisite: One graduate-level course in each of the following areas: Algebra, Topology and Complex Analysis (such as MATH 7200, 7510 and 7350 or equivalent).
  • Text: Complex Algebraic Curves by Frances Kirwan, London Mathematical Society Student Texts.

This is an introductory course on the theory of algebraic curves. Our viewpoint will be very classical. We will start with the basic geometry of algebraic curves in P2, developing all the needed tools from elementary algebraic geometry. Then we will study the topological properties of curves over the complex numbers and the interplay between topological invariants and geometric invariants such as the degree-genus formula. Finally, we will study curves from the Riemann surface point of view and prove the Riemann-Roch theorem. Time permitting, we will study curves over non-algebraically closed fields (in particular number fields and finite fields) and give applications to some classical Diophantine equations.

  • MATH 7290-1: Homological Algebra.
  • Instructor: Prof. Sage.
  • Prerequisite: Math 7211 or permission of the instructor.
  • Text: Weibel, An Introduction to Homological Algebra.

Homological algebra is a branch of algebra that developed in the mid-twentieth century as a way to systematize and abstract techniques from algebraic topology and module theory involving homology--a procedure in which a sequence of abelian groups or modules is associated to each object in a given category. Its influence has expanded far beyond its primarily topological origins, and it is now a fundamental tool in such far-flung branches of mathematics as representation theory, algebraic geometry, number theory, complex analysis, partial differential equations, functional analysis, and mathematical physics.

This class will provide an introduction to homological algebra. We will discuss some category theory, chain and cochain complexes, derived functors, Tor and Ext, spectral sequences, and derived categories. We will also consider various applications.

  • MATH 7320: Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Instructor: Prof. Malisoff.
  • Prerequisite: Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra (preferably Math 7311 and 7200).
  • Text: Differential equations, Dynamical Systems & An introduction to Chaos, by Morris W. Hirsch. Stephen Smale, Robert L. Devaney. Elsevier - Second edition. ISBN: 978-0-123497-03-1.
  • Introduction---first order equations
  • Existence and uniqueness theory, Peano's theorem, extension theorem
  • Grönwall's inequality
  • Dependence on initial conditions
  • Linear systems
  • Stability of equilibrium points---Lyapunov functions
  • Phase plane analysis
  • MATH 7350: Complex Analysis
  • Instructor: Prof. Estrada.
  • Prerequisite: Math 7311 or its equivalent.
  • Text: Narasimhan, R. and Nievergelt, Y., Complex Analysis in One Variable, second edition, Birkhauser, Boston, 2001.

A standard first year graduate course in complex analysis. Topics include holomorphic functions, covering spaces and the monodromy theorem, winding numbers, residues, Runge's theorem, Riemann mapping theorem, harmonic functions.

  • MATH 7380-1: Evolution Equations.
  • Instructor: Prof. Neubrander.
  • Prerequisite: 7330 Functional Analysis and 7350 Complex Analysis.
  • Text: Lecture Notes.

The flagship series of the American Mathematical Society, Colloquium Publications, contains volumes that provide definitive treatments of some of the most significant and enduring results in mathematics. Published first in 1957, the all time bestselling volume in this series is the treatise Functional Analysis and Semi-groups by Einar Hille and R. S. Phillips. The material covered in this class represents modern variants of central parts of this jewel of a book, including more recent results and research developments.

Course Outline:
  1. Prerequisites from Functional and Complex Analysis
  2. Evolution Equations, Abstract Cauchy Problems, and Semigroups
  3. Approximations: a) Spatial Approximations and the Trotter-Kato Theorem; b) Time Discretization and the Chernoff Product Formula
  4. Applications: a) Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problems; b) Numerical Inversion of the Laplace and Convolution Transforms
  • MATH 7380-2: Variational Inequalities.
  • Instructor: Prof. Sung.
  • Prerequisites:Math 7330 Functional Analysis.
  • Text: An Introduction to Variational Inequalities and Their Applications by David Kinderlehrer and Guido Stampacchia (SIAM 2000).

The theory of variational inequalities treats optimization problems over convex sets. In this course we study the existence, uniqueness and regularity of the solution of a variational inequality. Applications and numerical methods will also be discussed.

  • MATH 7380-3: Applied Stochastic Analysis.
  • Instructor: Prof. Sundar.
  • Prerequisites: Math 7311 or the equivalent.
  • Text: Typed lecture notes prepared by Prof. Sundar.

The aim of the course is to provide a simple and precise account of Brownian motion and its applications. The course will begin with the construction of a Brownian motion, and an analysis of its path properties. Next, the construction of stochastic integrals, and the proof of the Ito formula will be presented with full details. This will lead us to a fruitful theory of stochastic differential equations. The theory will be illustrated by several examples and applications.

The course will focus on the applications of stochastic calculus to mathematical finance and partial differential equations. In particular, the course will provide a detailed account of (i) pricing and hedging problems in complete markets,and (ii) probabilistic representations of solutions to certain partial differential equations.

  • MATH 7384: Applied Analysis in the Materials Sciences.
  • Instructor: Prof. Lipton.
  • Prerequisites:
  • Texts: The first part of the course will be taken from the text Partial Differential Equations by Lawrence C. Evans, while the second part of the course will be based upon lecture notes. A good reference for the second half of the course is the text Topics in the Mathematical Modeling of Composite Materials Edited by A. Cherkaev and R.V. Kohn.

This course focuses on the modern theory of materials design for optimal structural performance. The modern theory of optimal design is a blend of the calculus of variations, the basic theory of elliptic PDE, and scientific computation. The first 4 weeks of the course provides an introduction to the basic existence and uniqueness theory for second order elliptic PDE associated with heterogeneous media. The next three weeks introduce the theory of homogenization of solution operators for elliptic PDE. We then trace the approaches of Spagnolo and Murat and Tartar to exhibit the connection between homogenization convergence and the notion of effective material properties that were used and developed by a significant community of scientists including J.C. Maxwell and A. Einstein. The following 7 weeks shows how the theory of homogenization together with the calculus of variations is used to develop explicit numerical schemes for optimal material design. The course concludes by developing a numerical algorithm for the design of an optimal thermal lens.

  • MATH 7400: Graph Theory
  • Instructor: Prof. Oporowski
  • Prerequisite: The prerequisites for the course are very modest---all graduate students in Mathematics should be able to follow the lectures.
  • Recommended References: Graph Theory by Reinhard Diestel, Third Edition, Springer, 2006, which is available both as a paperback (for about $43 + shipping from various online stores), or as a free download from the author's homepage. Another good book on the subject is Introduction to Graph Theory by Douglas B. West, Prentice Hall, 1996.
  • MATH 7490: Matroid Theory.
  • Instructor: Prof. Oxley.
  • Prerequisite: Permission of the department.
  • Text: J.G. Oxley, Matroid Theory, Oxford, 1992, reprinted in paperback with corrections, July, 2006.

What is the essence of the similarity between forests in a graph and linearly independent sets of columns in a matrix? Why does the greedy algorithm produce a spanning tree of minimum weight in a connected graph? Can one test in polynomial time whether a matrix is totally unimodular? Matroid theory examines and answers questions like these.

This course will provide a comprehensive introduction to the basic theory of matroids. This will include discussions of the basic definitions and examples, duality theory, and certain fundamental substructures of matroids. Particular emphasis will be given to matroids that arise from graphs and from matrices.

  • MATH 7512: Topology - II
  • Instructor: Prof. Gilmer.
  • Prerequisite: MATH 7510.
  • Text: Elements of Algebraic Topology by James R. Munkres.

This course will introduce the homology theory of topological spaces. To each space X and nonnegative integer k, there is assigned an abelian group the kth homology group of X. We will learn to calculate these groups, and use them to prove topological results such as the Brouwer Fixed point theorem (in all dimensions) and generalizations of the Jordan curve theorem. Homology theory is important in many parts of modern mathematics. Depending on what was covered in 7510, we may also discuss some other topics related to the fundamental group.

  • MATH 7550: Differential Geometry
  • Instructor: Prof. Litherland.
  • Prerequisites: Math 7210 and 7510.
  • Text: John M. Lee, Introduction to Smooth Manifolds, Springer, GTM 218.

This course gives an introduction to smooth manifolds, which are spaces which locally resemble Euclidean space and have enough structure to support the basic concepts of calculus. We shall cover such fundamental ideas as submanifolds, tangent and cotangent vectors and bundles, smooth mappings and their derivatives, vector fields, differential forms and Stokes's theorem. If time permits, we shall also cover the de Rham Theorem.

  • MATH 7590-1: Geometric Topology
  • Instructor: Prof. Dasbach.
  • Prerequisite: Basic properties of the fundamental group and rudiments of algebraic topology (Math 7512: Topology II).
  • Text:
  • MATH 7590-2: Seiberg-Witten-Floer Theory.
  • Instructor: Prof. Baldridge.
  • Prerequisite: Math 7512.
  • Text: .