Please direct inquiries about our graduate program to:
Registration Advising Information and Forms
The information on this page has been superseded by the page on Advising.Registration Information
Every continuing graduate student in Mathematics is required to have preregistration advising each fall and each spring. Either the Pre-General Exam Registration Form or Post General Exam Registration Form must be filled out, signed as indicated, and returned to the Department's Graduate Director. If you are not fully registered by the time listed in the Registration Calendar inside the on-line Schedule Book, LSU will bill you for a $75 Late Charge! Your choices need not be permanent, but unapproved changes may delay your registration for the new semester, delay your degree, or jeopardize financial aid if you overlook Departmental or University requirements! The Department will check each student's schedule.
- Be sure to follow the instructions on the registration form.
- Students who anticipate possibly dropping a course must sign up in advance, during registration, for enough additional hours to remain full-time even if this happens! Even if you are supported by a faculty grant, you must be enrolled full-time to be paid. Full-time means at least 9 hours in the fall and spring and 6 hours in the summer term.
- Accurate descriptions of the 7000 level courses for the coming semester(s) are listed under Courses Each Semester. There are 4000-level courses listed in the Schedule Book. The 4000-level courses are primarily undergraduate but do carry graduate credit.
- Core and Breadth Courses are required. First year students should normally select all three of of the Core courses in the fall semester, and in the spring a choice of 3 of the 9 breath courses, with a fourth one taken the 2nd year if seeking a PhD. Recommended Curricula by Specialty and also the Core Courses are listed on-line
- You should register yourself on myLSU for all courses except 7999, but be certain first to read the descriptions of these classes at Courses Each Semester. Do not register yourself via myLSU for Math 7999 because the schedule book does not list the professors for Math 7999 since these sections will be created as needed. Once the section is created and assigned to the instructor, the name will appear in the myLSU schedule. Please follow these instructions:
- Math 7999 (Independent Reading) is for 1 to 3 hours per section. For each section of Math 7999 requested, the topic must be listed before the teacher initials the request. Please do not request a reading course in a regularly scheduled subject unless you have already taken the regular offering and need a more advanced sequel!
- Math 8000 (MS Thesis Research) is for 1 to 6 hours per section.
- Math 9000 (Doctoral Dissertation Research) is for 1 to 9 hours per section.
- If you wish to register for Audit you may use the paper drop-ad form from Graduate Records. The audit designation may also be entered by the Graduate Director or Charlotte Senn.
- Every student will be assigned a faculty mentor during the first year of study The faculty mentor will be the academic advisor until a dissertation advisor is found. Any student is free to change faculty mentor at any time. It is only necessary to inform the Director of Graduate Studies of any changes. The faculty mentor, and later the dissertation advisor, is encouraged to write any comments and recommendations on the registration form
- Do not leave registration for the last minute! First-year graduate students who may be missing documents required by Graduate Admissions may be unable to register until the documents are cleared.
Further Registration Instructions
You still need to access myLSU. Please make sure LSU has your correct mailing address listed. Ask myLSU to List your course selections! Also, you must select your method of paying tuition and fees! If you are selecting Payroll Deduction, be sure you have signed a Payroll Deduction Authorization Form previously at LSU. Up-to-the minute fee bill information is available through MYLSU. Students will find the fee bill link under “Registration Services” on their MYLSU Desktop. On-line fee bills will be published soon after the close of preregistration and payment is due as announced in the Schedule Booklet at myLSU. This application also provides students with the ability to pay their fees using an on-line check/bank draft or a credit card. All students must complete registration even when their balances due are zero because their fees are paid by scholarships, sponsors, fellowships, student aid, payroll deduction, employee exemption, etc. You have four options to complete registration. (a) Use myLSU to pay the amount due using an on-line check/bank draft; (b) Use myLSU to pay the amount due using a credit card; (c) Use myLSU to indicate you are registering even if you have a zero balance; (d) Submit your remittance form to the Office of Bursar Operations by mail or in person.
You must click on the complete registration button. If you do not do this, your courses will be purged. If the registration has not been completed on time, the University will cancel your registration and bill you $75 for Late Registration.
- LSU requires that certain percentages of your credit bearing courses be at the graduate level in order for you to be considered full-time. Full-time enrollment is mandatory for students receiving any form of financial aid from LSU. This includes support of students from Faculty Research Grants, Fellowships, and Assistantships!
- Remember next term to follow all published deadlines in the Graduate School Calendar especially with regard to drop/add dates and dates for requesting exams and/or degrees. The Graduate School is strictly enforcing its drop/add dates.
- Changing the schedule for which you are registered without departmental approval can create serious problems for you later, especially if you overlook departmental requirements. This could delay your degree and/or jeopardize financial aid.
- Summer Tuition Waiver All graduate assistants who have been employed for both the Fall and Spring Semesters and will not be employed as graduate assistants for any of the summer sessions will be eligible for a full in-state and out-of-state (if applicable) tuition exemption. The exemption covers part-time or full-time tuition. Students are responsible for applicable fees. This exemption does not include intersession. Any student appointed Fall Semester only or Spring Semester only as a GA will be responsible for paying summer term tuition. Students on a full graduate assistantship during the summer are eligible for a full in-state and out-of-state (if applicable) tuition exemption. Students are responsible for applicable fees. See the Budget and Planning web-page for a breakdown of fees. Students do not have to apply for this exemption. All summer exemptions will be applied automatically. For example: If a student is eligible to receive an exemption for summer, a credit will appear on the fee bill.
- Even if your decision to register for the Summer Term depends on receiving a summer assistantship, you should preregister. This is because some summer jobs are given out very late (up to the start of the summer term) and you can drop your summer registration any time until the term starts without penalty.