Awards received by members of the department
LSU Department of Mathematics Assistant Professor Rui Han has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) grant from the NSF Analysis Program for his research in Schrödinger operators on lattices. This award will provide funding for Dr. Han’s research over five years for nearing half a million dollars and provides support for a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program each summer for three years of the project as well as support for Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researcher.
James Dylan Douthitt received the Fall 2021 LSU David Oxley Graduate Student Teaching Award. The award is named in memory of David Grieve Oxley, the son of James and Judith Oxley. The purpose of this award is to recognize excellence in teaching by graduate students. It is given each semester. In the Fall, those eligible are senior graduate students, those who have been in the Mathematics graduate program for more than two years.
Sudipta Ghosh receives the 2021 Pasquale Porcelli Graduate Student Research Excellence Award.
Prerna Agarwal, Pujan Shrestha and Jagdeep Singh are awarded the 2021 Arthur K. Barton Superior Graduate Student Scholarships, and Sudip Sinha is the recipient of the 2021 A. K. and Shirley Barton Superior Graduate Student Scholarship.
The paper Reflection Positivity on Spheres by Gestur Olafsson and Karl-Hermann Neeb (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg) won the 2020 Alexander Vasiliev Award of the journal Analysis and Mathematical Physics, published by Birkhäuser Verlag.
LSU Math Major Rohin Gilman has been selected as a 2021 Barry Goldwater Scholar. The scholarship is the most prestigious undergraduate scholarship given in the natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics. This year it was awarded to 410 college students from across the United States, including 51 mathematics and computer science majors. At LSU, Rohin Gilman is mentored by Frank Neubrander.
Amy Adair, B.S. 2018, LSU Math with a Concentration in Secondary Education, was offered an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship in STEM Education and Learning Research - Artificial Intelligence. Amy Adair is currently a Ph.D. student in the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University. At LSU she was mentored by Frank Neubrander.
Selena Oswalt is a recipient of the 2021 George H. Deer Distinguished Teaching Award. This award is made in the memory of George H. Deer, Ph.D., former Dean of University College (1959-1966). The award recognizes outstanding teaching ability and service to students.
LSU Mathematics Nicholson Professor Robert Lipton receives the 2021 Distinguished Research Master (DRM) award for outstanding career accomplishments in research and scholarship. Granted by the LSU Council on Research, the annual DRM award recognizes one LSU faculty member in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics who has achieved vital impact on the scholarly community in their field.