How to transfer scores to Moodle


  1. In MyMathLab, go to Course Tools, then Gradebook.
  2. In the Export Data menu, choose Quick Export.
  3. Select assignments to export, then click Download Data.
  4. Right-click on the link that appears, and choose "Save Target (link) As...". Save to your desktop. Filename must contain no spaces and end in ".csv".
  5. In Moodle, go to Grades.
  6. From the drop-down menu, choose "Selective import... Pearson file".
  7. Upload your file.
  8. Use Moodle's grade mapping options to map the data appropriately, then click Map Graded Items.
  9. Once the grades are in Moodle, be sure to go back and delete the file you just created on your desktop, and empty your trash. (This important step is necessary to comply with FERPA, in case your computer is ever compromised.)


  1. In WebAssign, click ScoreView, then Scores for the appropriate assessment.
  2. Once the score spreadsheet opens, click Downloads.
  3. In the resulting pop-up window, change the file type (in the drop down) from Excel to Tab-Delimited, and click Download.
  4. When the scores show up, select all the text and copy to your clipboard.
    (To accomplish this, go to the Edit menu and use Select All followed by Copy; or, right-click on the text and choose Select All followed by Copy; or, use the standard keyboard shortcuts, typically ctrl-A followed by ctrl-C.)
  5. Paste the scores into our score converter. The converted student IDs and scores appear instantly at the bottom.
    (Adjust the Options and Score Conversion settings to meet your needs. Click the little triangle next to the Processing Log to reveal additional details on what is happening.)
  6. Copy the Moodle-formatted results from the score converter to your clipboard.
  7. In Moodle, go to Grades.
  8. From the drop-down menu, choose "Selective import... Paste from spreadsheet".
  9. Paste in your Moodle-formatted scores, and click the "Upload grades" button.
  10. Below the import preview, in the two drop-downs called "Map from" and "Map to", set each to "LSU ID Number".
  11. In the bottom drop-down (below "Grade item mappings"), choose the destination for your scores. This can be an existing gradebook item, or you can choose the menu option to create a new gradebook item.
  12. Click "Upload grades".
  13. You might receive a list of student IDs that are in WebAssign but don't match anything in Moodle. These are either students who dropped (thus no longer appear in Moodle but still appear in WebAssign) or students who self-enrolled in WebAssign but didn't enter a correct student ID. You'll have to identify the nature of each issue on a per-student basis by consulting the roster listing in Moodle and the Processing Log in our score converter (which reports invalid or missing IDs). In WebAssign you can edit students to fix incorrect or missing IDs, or remove dropped students. After making corrections, start over at step 1: download a new set of grades, and so on, and keep fixing student records, until Moodle accepts your grades without error.


  1. In WeBWorK, use Scoring Tools to create scores (which are then stored in a CSV file within WeBWorK).
  2. Still within WeBWorK, go to the File Manager, go up to the root directory, then down to the "scores" subdirectory, find your CSV file, and choose "Edit".
  3. Click in the edit text box, then Select All and Copy. The WeBWorK scores are now on the clipboard.
  4. Close the WeBWorK file editor screen by hitting the Cancel button.
  5. Paste the scores into our score converter. The converted student IDs and scores appear instantly at the bottom.
    (Adjust the Options and Score Conversion settings to meet your needs. Click the little triangle next to the Processing Log to reveal additional details on what is happening.)
  6. Copy the Moodle-formatted results from the score converter to your clipboard.
  7. In Moodle, go to Grades.
  8. From the drop-down menu, choose "Selective import... Paste from spreadsheet".
  9. Paste in your Moodle-formatted scores, and click the "Upload grades" button.
  10. Below the import preview, in the two drop-downs called "Map from" and "Map to", set each to "LSU ID Number".
  11. In the bottom drop-down (below "Grade item mappings"), choose the destination for your scores. This can be an existing gradebook item, or you can choose the menu option to create a new gradebook item.
  12. Click "Upload grades".