Front Page News

Ying Hu appointed Postdoctoral Fellow at UQAM

Ying Hu (soon-to-be LSU PhD, advisor Prof. Dasbach) has been appointed as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre interuniversitaire de recherches en géométrie et topologie (CIRGET), an inter-university research center based at the Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada. 

Alumni Association Teaching Assistant Award for Simon Pfeil

Simon Pfeil is a recipient of the Alumni Association Teaching Assistant Award 2015 in recognition of his outstanding teaching ability and service to students. 

US-Mexico Conference in Representation Theory and Noncommutative Algebra

Ch. Geiss, V. Kharchenko, A. Lauda and M. Yakimov are organizing a USA-Mexico conference in Representation Theory and Noncommutative Algebra at UNAM, Mexico City, January 15-17, 2015. It is funded through grants from the National Science Foundation and CONACYT.

Two Math Majors awarded NSF funded Undergraduate Research Grant

Math majors Rachael Keller and Amanda Mayhall have each been awarded a SURE grant (Supervised Undergraduate Research Experiences) by the Louisiana Board of Regents.

AWM Breakfast with Susan Montgomery

Professor Susan Montgomery (USC) will be guest at the AWM Breakfast, October 8, 2014 from 9-10am, Keisler Lounge, Lockett Hall. Professor Montgomery's current mathematical interests lie in noncommutative algebras, in particular Hopf algebras. She is a Fellow of the AMS and a Fellow of the AAAS. In 2011 she delivered the AWM Noether lecture.

Upcoming Undergraduate Math Contests at LSU

LSU students are invited to register for two upcoming Math Competitions. The Virginia Tech Regional Math Contest will take place on Saturday, Oct. 25 from 9:00 - 11:30 A.M. (registration deadline Oct. 1). The Putnam Mathematics Competition is on Saturday, Dec. 6 from 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. (registration deadline Oct. 8). Both events will take place on LSU's campus.

New Postdocs join the Math Department

Starting Fall 2014 new postdocs join the department:

Michael Malisoff awarded two collaborative research grants from the NSF Directorate for Engineering

Roy Paul Daniels Professor Michael Malisoff will serve as Lead Principal Investigator for two collaborative projects from the US National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering. The first project "Robustness of Networked Model Predictive Control Satisfying Critical Timing Constraints," focuses on resolving contentions in a class of communication networks that are common in automobiles and other real-time control applications, and is joint with the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The second project is "Designs and Theory of State-Constrained Nonlinear Feedback Controls for Delay and Partial Differential Equation Systems" and covers control designs for classes of ordinary and hyperbolic partial differential equations that arise in oil production and rehabilitation engineering, and is joint with the UC San Diego Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

New Faculty: Stefan van Zwam

Starting Fall 2014 Stefan van Zwam joins the math department as an Assistant Professor. He received his PhD in 2009 from Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands. From 2009-2011 he was Postdoctoral researcher at the CWI Amsterdam, Netherlands, before becoming Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University. 

Stefan van Zwam's research interests lie in matroid theory.