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Second GAANN Grant awarded to Department in 2006. A second grant from the US Department of Education provides four Doctoral Fellowships in Areas of National Need. The students who receive these Fellowships for studies beginning in fall 2007 will have 50% lower teaching duties to promote their own academic progress. The stipends will be above $26,000 per year and will run for three years. The previous GAANN grant to the Department was awarded two years ago.
New Board of Regents Doctoral Fellowship Grant awarded to Department in 2006. A new grant from the Louisiana Board of Regents provides three Doctoral Fellowships. The students who receive these Fellowships for studies beginning in fall 2007 will have no teaching duties so they can concentrate on their own studies. The stipends will be $30,000 per year and will run for four years.
Graduate Wins distinction. Dr. Yu Zhuang (LSU PhD 2000) received from the National Science Foundation Advanced Comp Research Program a two-year award (2003 - 05) to support his research on Scalable Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Solving Parabolic Problems. Congratulations to Dr. Zhuang!
Graduate wins distinction. Dr. Boris Baeumer (LSU PhD 1997) was awarded the Early Career Award for Distinction in Research by the University of Otago in New Zealand. His research on Contaminant Transport in Fractal Media is supported by a prestigious $100,000 Marsden Faststart grant from the Royal Society of New Zealand. Boris was invited plenary speaker at the ANZIAM 2005 annual meeting (Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics), Napier, January 2005, and invited main speaker at the ANZIAM and Hydrological Society of New Zealand Workshop on Mathematical Modeling in Hydrology, Lower Hutt, July 2002.
Graduate wins distinction. Dr. Robert Osburn (LSU PhD 2001) has been appointed Permanent Lecturer at University College Dublin. This follows his previous appointments to postdoctoral research positions at McMaster University, Queens University, and the Max Planck Institute in Bonn. Congratulations to Dr. Osburn!
NSF GK-12 Grant awarded to STEM Departments at LSU. This National Science Foundation grant will provide $30,000 per calendar year stipends for selected graduate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics beginning fall 2005. Recipients typically will have passed the General Exam for the PhD. Their duties will be in projects to enhance the quality of mathematics and science instruction in the regional schools.
Department is an Academic Sponsor of MSRI. As an academic sponsor of MSRI (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute) at Berkeley, the Department is sending selected graduate students to participate in suitable workshops and in summer graduate programs organized by the Institute. MSRI covers the travel and expenses of the nominated students.
Graduate Wins Distinction. Dr. Yongdo Lim, LSU PhD graduate in 1996, won a prize from the Korean Mathematics Society for the best paper of the year by a Korean mathematician. The prize was for his paper Birkhoff formula for conformal compressions of symmetric cones, which appeared in the American Journal of Mathematics, Vol 125 (2003),167-182. Congratulations to Yongdo Lim!
Third Consecutive Dissertation-Year Fellowship Award. Congratulations to Jeremy Becnel, a Mathematics Department Graduate Student, for winning a prestigious Graduate School Dissertation-Year Fellowship for the academic year 2005-6. The Department had a winner of this award also in 2003-4 and 2004-5. These included Dr. Troels Johansen, now a research post-doctoral fellow in the European Union-sponsored HARP (harmonic analysis) research project at Universität Paderborn in Germany. The next recipient was Sarah McAllister, whose PhD was awarded in August 2005. Sarah will be a postdoctoral researcher at the T. J. Watson Research Center of IBM at Yorktown Heights, New York, beginning in January 2006.